Oct 19, 2013

Trails Of Horror

Hi guys.

So there's this event that is coming up! It's the Halloween event like said in the previous post! I am hmm, shall not say it, but in other words, I am actually one of the crews with Yun Xuan yay. So we are part of this event, and we today even went to help out to do the props. Apparently, we did not help much in carrying it back because everyone just takes EVERYTHING and clears out everything. When we want to help, we also can't. Yeah well, kind of awkward.

But heyhey, we made friends with 2 of them (somehow). Anyways, it would be really cool if tons of people actually goes there and support us. Please do! So here is the part when I say about the bad things? I guess.

Like I said, negative things, there is only one though. Which is well you know, being in Singapore, we have to pay. So, for one ticket it cost $3, but for two tickets, it would be $5. HEY SAVE $1. But I am not really sure how the ticketing stuffs work because there would be 2 houses. I don't know if 1 ticket for both of you have to get 2 tickets to enter both. Well from what I think, it should be 1 ticket for 1 house. You know, SINGAPORE.

Just to reiterate everything, those whole chunk of words.

Do get the tickets and of course go for the event. I guarantee you, you're gonna have fun. OF COURSE, when you guys (( LIKE LITERALLY GUYS, AS IN MALES )) get scared, don't go hit the casts, I MEAN COME ON, don't be so spoilsport leh. We are all here to have fun only right, not to scare the death out of you. So hey, I expect a crowd there? It would be on this coming Saturday, at yew tee hardcourt. In case you do not know, it's beside yew tee point. :D Do come and bye.

FYI: Exams are over, expected myself to blog more, but oh well, I am just rotting at home and gaming all day. Kind of wasting my time. But I promise to blog more. Cheerrss.