Aug 12, 2013


Hi loveliess,

So today is all about twitter followers.
So I am SURE, you guys know how it feels when people follows you, then unfollow, then follow. I MEAN, IT'S SO ANNOYING. Then, those people follows you, tweets you to follow back, once you followed, THAT'S IT. THEY UNFOLLOW YOU. Those kind of people deserves to be shred into pieces and be burnt into a volcano as some sacrifice or whateverr. BUT SERIOUSLY, it's just annoying. Don't you think so? Then when you tweet them to follow back, they will follow you again, then WITHIN 48 HOURS, TAKE MY WORDS, you will lose a follower. Why? Because of people like them. I know sometimes, it's just weird to tweet some stranger for a follow back, but THIS generation just seems to be like OH, THE MORE FOLLOWERS YOU HAVE THE MORE POPULAR YOU ARE. OH THE MORE TWEETS YOU HAVE THE MORE POPULAR YOU ARE. BITCH.

Like seriously, who says that. Our twitter, our followers, our tweets, LIKE THAT ALSO CAN GET JUDGED. Sigh, no idea what the world is becoming like. Just likes to judge of every single thing. Especially, here, in Singapore.

Talk - Judged. People think you flirt.
Change your spectacles - Judged. People think you are trying to "fit in"
Put make up - Judged. People think you fake.
Long school skirt - Judged. People think you are a ugly nerd.
Short school skirt - Judged. People think you trying to get attention from boys.
Go out wear singlet - Judged. People think you attention seeker.

These are the examples of how people can judge you here in Singapore. So if you want to come to Singapore, hmm, I would not object, just be prepared to get judged.

Exams are here, and I guess I am going to flunk all. Apparently, this semester I studied more than I did in the previous year, so I guess with a little more hardwork I can do well for my End Of Year Examinations! ☺ THINK POSITIVE GUYS. +.+ So, that's all for now, and to those people who has exams coming, just do your best! :) Even if you do badly, with a little more hard work, you can improve and do better! Cheers!