Apr 8, 2013

best friends exist?

hey people : ) ok, I apologise for not like blogging since like A HUGE LONG AMOUNT OF TIME. So yeah, I am sorry. Do forgive me : )
These few days, when i scroll down my twitter page, I see lots and lots of people tweeting about fake friends, so called friends and some even due to these "so-called" friends and just gave up on true friends. Usually this applies to girls only, right? Why? Because girls feel insecure, when they find security they might be more open-minded like guys. It is just like love, ain't it? In relationships, girls tends to be the one heartbroken then they go and do those silly shits like cutting their wrists, and just feel like committing suicide, just because of a guy? Ok, I don't really know how it feels, since I was never in a relationship, but well, I truly find it stupid to just harm yourself because of a guy. Hey girls, you can find better guys in the future! So just let go, don't keep holding on and live with it, it is just part of our life, without such problems, we wouldn't overcome heartbreaks and stuffs in the future. Without overcoming such problems, we wouldn't be stronger. So girls out there, stay strong! : )

Anyways, back to the topic, I don't think that people out there should give up on true friendship just because of some people who are like well "fake" to you. Just because one of your friends did that to you, you can imply that every single friends out there are fake! There may be true friends waiting for you, forever being there for you.  Best friends are like people who do funny shits together, play together and well, feel each other. Well for me, I have a true friend, although I only know her for one year only, but we made so many memories together for that past year. Every time I am sad, she will just try her best to cheer me up and ask me to not give up and stay strong. She is also one of the reason why I decided to blog about this. Just don't give up alright? There is always this friend for you, evern if you think there isn't :) 

Well, this is just one person's perspective, so even if you give up one friendships, it is still your choice. It's your mind, your choice. :) To the next blog :) 

Love you guys x.