Apr 9, 2013

childhood ☺

Hi people! 
Today my school celebrated International Friendship Day. Well, not really 'celebrated'. Just more learnings, haha! Anyways, I would like to say thank you to all my readers internationally and locally! Happy Friendship Day! Let's be friends! Hahaha!
By looking at the title, you should know what am I going to talk about today. I am going to talk about childhood. Why? Again, I was scrolling down my twitter page and I saw lots of tweets about childhood. Ain't that sweet? Recollecting your memories ♥. Anyways, some people thinks that when you grow up you can't be immature, and play or watch like your childhood cartoons. I mean, is there like such official rule? If we watch the cartoons, we just want to get those memory back, and we can't? Just because we are all grown up? (Well, I am still 14 years old.) Most old teens like 16 year olds? They feel that they should not watch cartoons anymore as they are afraid of being judged on and criticized for being so immature. To those people feeling like this: Don't need to be afraid or shy! I bet everyone wants to watch their childhood cartoons too! Maybe they are like you! A f r a i d. Look, whatever you do, you will still be judged on. Or should I say EVERYTHING you do, you will be judged on. Why? Judgmental Society. That's why. If your friends laugh at you, so what? You are just being you! Maybe they aren't true friends, or maybe they don't understand you enough yet. You are just trying to cherish your moments when you are young, aren't you? To the judges: Go on, judge all you want? Why? We don't freaking care. Thank you for giving us your attention the whole time, we really appreciate it. Now go and have that attention to yourself, check yourself on the mirror, see all your flaws. Why? Because that is how each victim feels every time you judge them on their flaws. It's not like you are perfect right? 
Back to the topic, I really love my childhood : ). My childhood has been good to me and so is my teenhood i think haha! Anyways, do tweet me up and we can be friends? Haha! I really want to have more friends, maybe its just because I am a greedy girl haha! : 3 To reiterate, we are living in a judgmental society, no matter what you do, you will still get judged and that watching cartoons isn't a crime at all! It is in fact a way to just get that smile back on our face. (Well, sometimes) Till next time, bye :)