Nov 13, 2012


YES GUYS. i am backk :D
the internet was fixed! you have no idea when the technician just just came out the seat saying its fixed, i immediately just sat on the chair and on twitter and blog! HAHA!
the guy was like staring at me when i sat down and ignore the whole world :D
anyways, let me show you something.
lol weird right?
why is there people from the US and Germany looking at my blog ._.
nevermind, those US and Germany looking at my blog now, i would like to just say Hi! :D can you tell your friends about my blog? thanks! 
life is good with internettt (Y) like seriously.
anywayss, i am picking up guitar. i just can never play f chord.
sad life :'( nevermind
by the way, i have been bible studying till 1am every day so i sleep like 1am everyday.
althoughh, there is no audition in malaysia but its ok! :D
anyways, i should try donloading auditionn :D okokk :D
ok i am busy now and i got to goo! 

with loves.